When will my order ship?
We generally try to ship all orders each Wednesday and Friday. There may be delays for a variety of reasons - for example whether we need to retrieve stock from storage, or if our courier misses a pick up.
If you need to receive your order by a specific deadline, please do not hesitate to let us know either in the notes section at checkout or by contacting us after your order is made. In most cases we will be able to expedite your order and ship it out on the next business day.
Are you buying singles?
We are interested in buying singles - please contact us stating clearly what you’d like to sell and your asking price if you have one. We prefer to buy collections or multiple singles at a time, or make purchases of over $100 at a time.
We are generally only looking for singles in mint or near-mint condition. We are particularly interested in any textured/full art cards, alternate art cards, trainer gallery cards, or secret rare cards.
Generally we would offer the following:
Common/Uncommons/Rares - bulk rate. Currently not buying.
Holo rares/Reverse foils - bulk rate. Currently not buying.
Ultra rares - bulk rate $1-$3 each depending on era. Can pay % of TCGPlayer market price if value is higher than 5 USD. Currently not buying.
Everything else under 5 USD TCGPlayer market price - will offer you a bulk rate.
Everything else over 5 USD TCGPlayer market price (TCGP) - will pay TCGP unconverted in NZD as a minimum. Depending on the rarity, recency, and value of the card, we can pay up to TCGP converted (e.g. TCGP x 1.7) or more depending on the card.
If you opt to take store credit instead of cash payment, we can generally offer slightly more than the above. We are planning to eventually set up a buylist for specific singles.
Do you have more of this item?
If something is showing out of stock on the website, please feel free to inquire. In most cases we will have more available. It may be that we haven’t had a chance to restock, or haven’t had a chance to review the pricing.
Why aren’t you replying to my messages or emails?
After five years running the business resulting in being completely burned out in 2022, we have set strict office hours of 10:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday. Depending on the urgency of your communication, we likely will not respond to any messages or emails received outside of office hours. We will do our best to reply in a timely manner to all communication.
A lack of response does not mean that your order is not being taken care of, rather that may be a sign that we are busy working on orders rather than managing our inboxes (which we understand is not ideal, but that is how we prioritize our time at the moment).
Please make sure to whitelist info@collectallday.com as order and tracking updates will be sent to you from that address.
Can I pick up my order?
Yes, simply choose the pick up option at checkout.
We understand that for some payment methods that option may not be allowed by the payment processor, in which case please use promo code PICKUP to avoid paying for shipping.
After your order is confirmed please contact us to arrange a time for pickup. We are generally available most days from morning to night. The more notice you give us, the more flexible we can be with the pick up time.
Pick up is in Mount Eden, Auckland.
Why is the shipping cost so high?
If you find that the shipping cost at checkout is very high or seems unreasonable, please contact us and we will be happy to review the cost and lower it where possible.
Since the beginning our shipping rates have been set at a baseline of $5 and we haven’t adjusted it despite courier costs slowly creeping up over the years. Our goal has always been to charge shipping at cost, but in most cases we have been charging shipping at a loss.
In late 2023 we have had to stop subsidizing shipping costs and have started calculating shipping more closely matching the actual size and number of packages required to ship products. We will monitor this and will make adjustments in cases where shipping has been overcharged. This allows us to price our products more competitively while still charging a fair shipping fee.
Why is this item priced at $0?
For out of stock items, this means the price of an item has been hard to determine or is due for an update. In most cases it is still available for sale. Please feel free to inquire about these products and ask about the price. We are happy to work with you on making a sale happen.
For preorder items, we try not to charge for items far in advance. A $0 preorder means you are making a reservation to get preferential fulfillment upon release. Please read our preorder blog for more details.
Why does this item seem way overpriced?
We do our best to price items fairly and competitively and it is simple to do so for recent releases. As time goes on we shift from pricing below MSRP up to MSRP and eventually according to market price. We aim to review pricing monthly.
When comparing prices to overseas markets, please bear in mind that products bought into New Zealand through proper channels are subject to duty and GST. The prices on our website do include GST.
The main benefits of buying locally from us are significantly reduced risk of damage or loss during transit, and being able to view the item before purchase. We are happy to arrange for you to view any high value items you are sincerely interested in purchasing before making payment. We are based in Auckland, but for high end items we may be able to visit you anywhere in New Zealand to make the transaction in person.
For any items priced above MSRP, please feel free to contact us to make reasonable offers. We are happy to work with you on making a sale happen. We are also happy to price match any NZ based retailer, at our sole discretion.
Thanks for checking out our FAQ. If you know Tian’s favourite Pokémon, try entering it as a promo code at checkout. If you're right you'll get a smidge off your order total.
Last updated 8/09/2023